Position played: Full Back
Budget: <$$500 AUD
Style of Play:
Do you hit/slap or push more? Hit
Do you drag-flick and/or Aerial? Practicing overheads
Do you use a lot of close Stick skills? a few
Stick Size: 37.5
Bow: Low(200-210mm)
Head shape: Doesn't matter
Stiffness: Soft or Stiff Bit of both
Balance point: Low/High High
Current Stick: Gryphon Tour Pro 2013
What do you like about...
New stick needed
Budget: <$$500 AUD
Style of Play:
Do you hit/slap or push more? Hit
Do you drag-flick and/or Aerial? Practicing overheads
Do you use a lot of close Stick skills? a few
Stick Size: 37.5
Bow: Low(200-210mm)
Head shape: Doesn't matter
Stiffness: Soft or Stiff Bit of both
Balance point: Low/High High
Current Stick: Gryphon Tour Pro 2013
What do you like about...
New stick needed